Wednesday, 12 September 2007

UK National Preparedness month - December

Just a reminder that the month of December I will be put aside to promote awareness of emergency preparedness - e.g. Prepare for the unexpected.

From localised power outages to national disaster events – keep and stay informed.

I hope the December 2007 preparednes month will encourage people to not only start thinking of the unexpected, but start to be prepared for the unexpected - such as was experienced in the recent floods in the south and west of Britain in the summer.

More details here:

Friday, 24 August 2007

11th Hour movie trailer

The 11th Hour - climate change documentary - due to be released August 24

Preparedness in recent disasters

Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed global disasters on an increasing and regular scale, Peru Quake, major flooding in UK and US and the last few days Hurricane Dean tramping through the Caribbean and Mexico.
Due in part to past experiences, people, organisationa and some governments now are beginning to wake up and are organising disaster plans and making preparations.
Let us hope this will continue to be the case - more on this soon

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Safe Survival and Preparedness

In November of 2006, I commenced a blog here to discuss the preparedness and survival techniques/planning for natural and man made disasters, and how to cope with emergency situations.

This new blog now supercedes the old blog, and hopefully readers will find this of great use, especially with the advent of increasing severe weather events.

I have been operating the safesurvival and Preparedness site for nearly six years, and in that time we have witnessed many increased natural disasters - the information provided here is to assist those in time of such disasters and to cope with the aftermath.

Please join us and spread the word.Please feel free to add your comments and questions as we progress through the build up to preparedness month and beyond.In the meantime, please check our website and our safe survival forum